A Grateful Thanks

I want to thank all of you that reached out to me by any means on my birthday month, as I am exquisitely grateful. I'm not going to lie, I've had quite a few major setbacks this year. I'm very thankful to be back working though, as it's hard to imagine not to be.

From the bottom core of my heart, if there is anyone out there that is struggling to find work, please don't hesitate to reach out, as I've been helping people find jobs since I was a teenager. I like to give back and make a difference.


Treat Others How You Would Like To Be Treated

I’ll make this short and sweet. Treat others how you would like to be treated. This applies to both your actions and behavior! It’s especially critical during COVID-19. Yes, times are currently challenging. Our willingness might be compromised in doing what’s right. It’s important we all wear face masks while we’re in public to control the spread of the virus. I’d want people around me to wear a mask, so it’s equally significant for me to wear one not just to protect myself but for consideration of others. Again, treat others how you would like to be treated. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

To The Test

The COVID-19 pandemic is really testing our patience as human beings. There might be people out there that are pessimistic (or as they claim realistic) about how long this will last. Truthfully, we just do not know yet. I do know that it WILL NOT last forever. It’s temporary. Why don’t we think about how can we use our levels of patience we are tested with in areas we desire to succeed in. Whether you want to be an Actor, Musician, Lawyer, Doctor, Nurse, Writer, Engineer, Paralegal, Manager of a restaurant, Electrician, Painter, Reporter, Linguist, Flight Attendant (I could go on and on), use your patience to your advantage on thinking of ways to prepare for those requirements and be ready to execute when the time comes!! Even if you do not know what those requirements are, do your homework. Use your energy to research and ask questions. The hardest part is getting started. Once you do, it gets easier, and that feeling of self-accomplishment will heighten your fuel of motivation.

Love Wins - Protest to Manifest and Don't Destruct to Instruct

Love indeed wins. PROTEST TO MANIFEST & DO NOT DESTRUCT TO INSTRUCT! Protest to standup for what you believe in, but if you do not have a true willingness to care, do not take advantage of the movement by getting lost in the crowds only to destruct, vandalize and steal! You are preventing those that do actually care in this movement to express convictions that deserve to be heard. It’s also distracting the foundation for what this protest is all about. Those that care are angry and rightfully so. The murder of George Floyd is horrendously unspeakable!!! But, the problem is only worsening with those adventuring on their own gain to threaten lives and property that is not there’s. This is not the way to lash out no matter how angry we are or the stress that COVID-19 has caused. Continue to believe in love for each other no matter how impossible it seems or how far our patience is stretched.

iCloud Unknown Error Solved

Other than Acting, I like to share personal updates that make me who I am as a person. It’s these experiences that shape who I am for the future.

After about a year of painstaking research as to analyzing why I could not sign into iCloud on my MacBook Pro due to an unknown error, I finally solved and fixed the issue today! The central issue was the keychain. It takes conviction and perseverance. Apple Support (@AppleSupport) did assist me with my questions throughout the months and their responses were pretty swift. Even though they weren’t able to solve the issue, I’m grateful for their time in helping me determine what the cause was. Out of courtesy, I went ahead and let them know the steps I took to fix the issue just so they’re aware of it in future cases of others.

I grow from these experiences, and I believe it makes me that much better as a person!!


I wanted to share on my blog one of my favorite pieces I've acted in titled EVERYDAY. The end result of this work is equivalent to values I stand for. With the challenges we're facing currently, it makes the concept for this film that much more meaningful. My wish is for this 6 minutes & 50 seconds to move you with encouragement and hope for what is possible in giving back.

This film was shot in 2014, and because of its positive message, it will forever remain timeless.


Into Dust Teaser Trailer

The jaw-dropping trailer for INTO DUST has been released. I had a positive challenge preparing and building the character along the way with my instincts. Director Craig Meinhart expressed his vision for the story and freely allowed the cast and I to progressively explore these characters beginning to end. My enthusiasm shined shooting the film in chronological order.

Please click here to access the 32-second teaser trailer.

You can also connect to the film’s social media outlets below:


Stay tuned!


Stay Adept

The unknown is still present and uncertain during these challenging times with COVID-19. What is certain however is our ability to maintain adeptness in our talents. While some artists might have the natural skill and talent regardless of the frequency at which it’s performed, others might have to practice periodically in order to maintain it. Irrespective of your level of talent or skill, it won’t hurt to practice at home (especially if you truly love what you do).

Creative Experience

There’s a difference between the process of creating a work of art and the end result. If you are just looking for the end result with little to no regard in the creative experience, does being an artist really make you happy? If the answer is no, you might want to re-prioritize. You might be talented at your craft for example as a painter, landscaper, and actor. However, if you do not particularly enjoy what you are doing, it doesn’t hurt in your free time to reassess and figure out what it is you really want to do and build from there. If you love being an artist, that means you like every step of the process regardless of obstacles. You would not just be interested in the exposure of the end-result.


Sometimes we are forced to take a step back even when we didn’t ask for it. Once it’s all said and done, we will perhaps realize that it was necessary and we really did need it. We reconnect. I firmly believe everything happens for a reason. Going on a cleanse, working out, eating right, planning & committing to a budget, being safe and much more are examples of things we have control over to initiate. That is a pro. A con is procrastination and consistent push-offs. With this pandemic, we are forced to go through what feels like the worst. In the end, we will discover that we are much stronger than we were beforehand.

With reconnection, I hope this brings some enthusiasm into your day.




There are countless contributions from many craftsmen, performers and experts into the making of a good film. Visually, what can serve to be memorable in its creativity is the actual set itself. I had the fortunate experience of visiting Albuquerque, NM recently, and I went to a restaurant for lunch before heading back home called Garcia’s Kitchen. Undoubtedly, I looked inside and thought, wow…this would be the perfect interior spot for a scene in a movie (even though I didn’t know what the story or plot would be).

I personally feel the most unexpected places are ones that can serve as high power, as they can captivate and resonate your minds memorably.

Stay Tuned

I have some exciting news! I’m gradually receiving footage from different projects I’ve previously acted in that I’ll be able to use in creating a new demo reel this year. My current demo reel has been active since 2013, and it’s time for an update.

Demo reels should never be taken for granted, and unless you are a beginning Actor, time is not of the essence when creating a high quality reel. In other words, be patient!!!

I will continue to keep you posted.




In any given year, there are going to be countless films released that deserve some form of recognition. When it’s time every year for the Oscars, there are only limited spots reserved for nominees in various categories. As breathtaking as it would be to receive a nomination, if a film does not, it doesn’t mean that your film is not any better than another. Award shows like the Oscars are extremely random and subjective.

There will NEVER be a consistent opinion on how a film is perceived to audiences. Other than being in the right place at the right time, being subjective is what drives perception. Don’t let it take you away from your passion and willingness in wanting to tell your story.


I find it difficult to take my own advice from what I am about to say.

Here goes…

Focus on you and what you are doing. Don’t let competition or intimidation from other people’s success drive you crazy (invisibly or not). Don’t get me wrong, being competitive is a healthy idiosyncrasy to possess. It’s most certainly needed in the entertainment business. However, don’t let it own you psychologically.

As I have mentioned, I have definitely had my struggles with this kind of pressure in the past for many years. The funny thing is…I did not realize I making up the silly pressure on my own….LOL. How stupid is that?!

Overall, once I redirected my focus and energy to my creativity and how to bring that to the world and not to the success of others, my emotional spirit was alive and full of optimism.

Be Grateful

It boggles my mind when I see people in any capacity with fame or success belittle or disrespect a willing fan. It doesn’t even have to be in the entertainment business. For example, it could be a chef, politician, corporate executive, military leader and so on. I’ve personally seen fans requesting quick autographs from someone famous on a red carpet (I’ll be discreet with the name). With time not even being a factor, the fans were rudely ignored and disregarded. I just don’t understand how these people of power can dismiss and turn away fans when they perhaps aspire to be just like them.

If a famous and/or successful person is tired for any reason, all it takes is empathy. Hard work does pay off, and some people that work just as hard are perhaps not as lucky.

Be considerate and kind.

Most of all, be grateful. :-)


Familiarity and Fixation

This is my first post of the new year, and I figured I’d talk about something that’s realistic in our minds before we go up in front of a casting director for an audition. Chances are, if your nerves take over, you might forget your efforts on how you imagine you’d perform your audition before doing so. As a result, you might take it too hard when you think your audition is not performed the way you would’ve liked it.

For me personally, it seems that I book more roles from auditions I think I did the worst in and vice-versa. However, all Actors have their own experiences.

To prepare for an audition, rehearse to be familiar and not fixated. In other words, don’t study to be dead set on one choice on how you’re going to read. Rehearse to feel comfortable on what you are about to perform. Don’t lose or be afraid of variety and flexibility. Remember, all moments in real-life are different in some way, and the key to acting is real-life. Even a reenacted moment will never measure up to the original.

Be familiar, not fixated!